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(宁波大学理学院,浙江 宁波315211;国家海洋局第一海洋研究所、数值环境科学与数值模拟国家海洋重点实验室,山东 青岛266061)
利用MASNUM海浪模式、ECMWF高分辨率风场对2012年8月份台风过程下的浙江海域的海浪状况进行了数值模拟,与近岸观测站的风、浪资料进行了对比检验和误差分析,最后针对8月份“达维”“海葵”及“布拉万”3个台风过程对浙江海域的影响进行了对比分析.风速验证结果显示2个站点ECMWF风速和观测风速的偏差分别为0.18、-0.34 m/s,平均绝对误差则为2.57、1.96 m/s,均方根误差为3.40、2.65 m/s,与观测风速有较好的一致性.海浪验证结果显示8月份有效波高的相关系数在0.84以上;8月份发生的“达维”“海葵”及“布拉万”3个台风期间的有效波高、波周期的模拟值与观测值的均方根误差分别介于0.19~0.37 m、0.88~1.28 s,波向的平均绝对误差介于19.39°~37.65°,表明MASNUM海浪模式能够较好的再现浙江海域台风期间的海浪状况,能够较好模拟出浙江近海的最大波高.在数值模拟和实际观测的基础上,进一步的对比分析表明:“海葵”台风期间,浙江外海有效波高的最大值达7.6 m,而“达维”和“布拉万”台风期间,数值显示最大有效波高分别为4.4、5.4 m.
关键词:  海洋水文学  高分辨率风场  MASNUM海浪模式  台风过程  有效波高
Numerical simulation for waves of typhoon “David”“Anemone” and “Bolaven” by MASNUM wave model
WU Huan1,WANG Yihang,TENG Yong,JIANG Xingjie,SUN Baonan,MEI Qiuying
(Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;First Institute of Oceanography,Key Laboratory of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling, SOA, Qingdao 266061, China)
Based on MASNUM wave model and highresolution ECMWF wind field, this study simulated the surface waves in the coastal region of Zhejiang province during typhoon period in August 2012. The wind and wave between observations from two nearshore stations was compared and the error analyzed. Finally the influence of typhoon David, Anemone and Bolaven in August on the coastal Zhejiang were analyzed. The result shows that the bias is 0.18 m/s and -0.34 m/s, the mean absolute error is 2.57 m/s and 1.96 m/s, and the root mean square error is 3.40 m/s and 2.65 m/s. Thus, it is agreed well with the observed wind speed. The wave comparison shows that the SWH correlations in August is over 0.84, the root mean square error of SWH and wave period in two stations is within 0.19~0.37 m, 0.88~1.28 s, and the mean absolute error of wave direction is within 19.39°~37.65° for these 3 typhoons. Wave comparison show that the MASNUM wave model can better simulate the waves under the typhoon processes on the coastal Zhejiang and the maximum wave height offshore Zhejiang. Based on numerical simulation and observations the result of more analysis show that during Anemone typhoon period, the maximum simulated SWH in coastal Zhejiang is over 7.6m, and the maximum simulated SWH during David and Bolaven typhoon period are 4.4 m and 5.4 m, respectively.
Key words:  physical oceanography  high resolution wind  MASNUM wave model  typhoon processes  wave height

