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(自然资源部大连海洋中心,辽宁 大连 116001;大连海洋大学海洋科技与环境学院, 辽宁 大连 116023)
大型海藻组织碳、氮含量及δ15N值的变化对于指示营养盐来源及营养盐评价研究具有重要的意义。为探究大型海藻组织碳、氮含量及δ15N值的变化特征,于2020年7月至2021年6月逐月分析了小长山岛潮间带孔石莼(Ulva pertusa)、角叉菜(Chondrus ocellatus)、鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)3种大型海藻组织的碳、氮含量和δ15N值的变化,并对其生长环境中海水的理化因子进行了测定。结果发现:孔石莼组织的氮含量与海水中的NO3-N和DIN含量之间存在显著的相关性,角叉菜组织的氮含量与海水中的NH3-N含量之间也存在显著的相关性。然而,大型海藻组织的碳含量和C/N比值与海水中的碳、氮营养盐之间并无显著的相关性。孔石莼组织的δ15N值与海水中的NO3-N和DIN含量之间也存在显著的相关性。因此,孔石莼适于用作NO3-N和DIN来源的指示藻种。结果指示小长山岛潮间带海水中具有供大型海藻生长利用的充足的营养盐,其主要受到生活污水和养殖排放的影响。
关键词:  海洋生物学  大型海藻  碳、氮含量  δ15N值  氮营养盐
Environmental indication significance of carbon content, nitrogen content and δ15N values in macroalgae tissues of three species on intertidal zones of Xiaochangshan Island
ZHAO Yueru,CAI Hengjiang,WANG Xuanzhong,LIU Longqiang,SHAN Xiaoxuan,HU Siqi
(Dalian Marine Center, MNR, Dalian 116001, China;School of Marine Technology and Environment, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China)
Changes in carbon content, nitrogen content and δ15N value of macroalgae tissues are of essential importance for the assessment and indication of nitrogen nutrient input. Ulva pertusa, Chondrus ocellatus,Sargassum thunbergii were sampled monthly on the intertidal zone of Xiaochangshan Island from July 2020 to June 2021 in order to explore the characteristics of the changes of carbon content, nitrogen content and δ15N value in macroalgae tissues. Furthermore, the physicochemical factors of the seawater of macroalgae habitats were measured. The results of the study revealed a significant correlation between the nitrogen content of U. pertusa tissue and the concentrations of NO3-N and DIN in seawater. Similarly, a significant correlation was observed between the nitrogen content of C. ocellatus tissue and the concentration of NH3-N in seawater. However, no significant correlation was found between the carbon content and C/N ratio of macroalgae tissue and the concentrations of carbon and nitrogen nutrients in seawater. Besides, the δ15N values of U. pertusa tissue also exhibited a significant correlation with the concentrations of NO3-N and DIN in seawater. These findings suggest that U. pertusa can serve as an indicator species for identifying the sources of NO3-N and DIN. Based on these findings, it can be inferred that the intertidal seawater around Xiaochangshan Island provides sufficient nutrients for the growth of macroalgae, mostly influenced by domestic sewage and aquaculture activties.
Key words:  marine biology  macroalgae  carbon and nitrogen contents  δ15N value  nitrogen nutrient

