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(集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门 361021;福建省海洋渔业资源与生态环境重点实验室,福建 厦门361021)
厦门湾是一个集河口、红树林、浅海湿地等多种典型生态系统的海湾,生物多样性高,曾报道有28种八放珊瑚栖息,但未见瘦枝珊瑚属(Carijoa)的相关报道。为了解厦门湾内瘦枝珊瑚属资源现状,本研究于2014—2021年期间在厦门湾内的大佰屿、小佰屿、白哈礁、角屿、上屿、黄厝、鼓浪屿、火烧屿、青屿以及浯屿附近海域通过潜水调查采集珊瑚样本,其中有25株是瘦枝珊瑚属样本。对样本进行形态学鉴定及基因片段[细胞色素C氧化酶亚单位Ⅰ(COⅠ)、NADH脱氢酶第二亚基(ND2)]定序技术研究。结果显示,采集的25株瘦枝珊瑚属样本全部都是Carijoa riisei,这是该种在厦门湾的首次记录。C. riisei分布在厦门湾的小佰屿、白哈礁、上屿、角屿、鼓浪屿和火烧屿附近海域,而大佰屿、黄厝、青屿和浯屿站位未见该物种分布。本研究结果既丰富了厦门湾的珊瑚物种记录,也增加了C. riisei的世界地理分布信息,可为全球Carijoa属珊瑚生物地理信息研究提供数据支撑。
关键词:  海洋生物学  珊瑚  生物多样性  瘦枝珊瑚属  新记录种  厦门湾
Spatial distribution and new recorded species of genus Carijoa in Xiamen Bay
YANG Jing,LIU Jiaying,WANG Yunpei,SHIH Yijia
(Fisheries College of Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Resources and Ecological Environment, Xiamen 361021, China)
Xiamen Bay is a collection of estuary, mangroves and shallow sea wetland, and other typical ecosystems of high biodiversity. It has been reported that 28 species of coral live in Xiamen Bay excluding the genus Carijoa. To understand the current status ofCarijoa in Xiamen Bay, we collected coral samples with diving surveys in the seas around Dabai Island, Xiaobai Island, Baiha Reef, Jiao Island, Shang Island, Huangcuo, Gulangyu Island, Huoshaoyu Island, Qing Island and Wu Island in Xiamen Bay in 2014-2021. Among the samples,25 of them were Carijoa. Taxonomic study of the genus Carijoa samples was performed with morphological identification and sequencing techniques of gene fragments [cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COⅠ), NADH dehydrogenase second subunit (ND2)]. Results showed that all of the 25 specimens were Carijoa riisei and they are the first record of C. riisei in Xiamen Bay. C. riisei was distributed in the seas around Xiaobai Island, Baiha Reef, Shang Island, Jiaoyu Island, Gulangyu Island and Huoshaoyu Island, while the species was not found at Dabai Island, Huangcuo, Qing Island and Wu Island stations. The results of this study not only enriched the records of coral species in Xiamen Bay but also added information of the world geographic distribution of C. riisei, which can provide data support for the global study of biogeographic information of the genus Carijoa.
Key words:  marine biology  coral  biodiversity  Carijoa  new recorded species  Xiamen Bay

