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(广东海洋大学深圳研究院,广东 深圳518108;广东海洋大学水产学院,广东 湛江 524025;深圳市碧海蓝天海洋科技有限公司,广东 深圳 518108)
采用边界摸查与截线样条法对深圳东部海域的造礁石珊瑚资源分布及其多样性进行全面调查,并对其群落生态系统健康状况进行了分析评价。结果表明,深圳东部海域共有造礁石珊瑚群落密集分布区37片,其中23片为重点分布区,总分布面积为193.73 hm2;共有造礁石珊瑚67种,分隶于13科及1个未定类,25属;优势种前三位为澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)、肉质扁脑珊瑚(Platygyra carnosus)和翼形蔷薇珊瑚(Montipora peltiformis);造礁石珊瑚覆盖度均值为37.58%,其中站位16的覆盖度最高,为57.33%;站位2最低,为14.89%;丰度(d)、种类多样性指数(H′)、均匀度(J)均值分别为5.32、2.71和0.81;死亡率均值为8.23%,平均补充量均值为3.66 ind/m2;深圳东部海域造礁石珊瑚群落生态系统健康状况良好,其中鹅公湾、大鹿湾、西涌—东涌及杨梅坑海域为健康状态,梅沙—溪涌、大澳湾及茅东湾海域为亚健康状态。本研究对深圳东部海域造礁石珊瑚资源进行全面调查和评估,并对资源保护和生态系统健康发展提出做好规划与布局,制定相应保护及修复规划,设立监测站位,加强研究并建立修复示范区,联动公众与社会科普等5条建议,可为区域造礁石珊瑚群落的保护、管理、恢复、重建和可持续发展提供参考。
关键词:  海洋生态学;造礁石珊瑚  分布特征  多样性  健康评价  深圳
基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划(2020B1111030002);深圳市科技计划 (JCYJ20200109144803833) ;深圳市科技计划(可持续发展专项 KCXFZ20211020165547011)
Distribution characteristics and ecosystem health evaluation of scleractinia corals in the eastern sea of Shenzhen
YANG Xiaozhou,MIU Zhiyuan,XIE Ziqiang,YANG Xiaodong,YANG Xiaodong,LIAO Baolin,CUI Zhouping,YANG Bo,CHEN Bogui
(Shenzhen Research Institute of Guangdong Ocean University, Shenzhen 518108, China;Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China;Shenzhen Ocean Hyaline Marine Science and Technology Co., Ltd. , Shenzhen 518108, China)
The distribution and diversity of scleractinian coral resources in the eastern sea of Shenzhen were investigated with boundary survey and belt transect method, and the health status of the community ecosystem was evaluated for the first time. Results showed that there were 37 dense regions of scleractinia coral communities in the eastern sea of Shenzhen, with a total area of 193.73 hm2, of which 23 were key distribution areas. A total of 67 species of scleractinia corals were recorded and they can be divided into 13 families and 1 incertae sedis, 25 genera. Porites lutea, Platygyra carnosus and Montipora peltiformis were the top three dominant species. The average coverage was 37.58%, with the highest at site 16 (57.33%) and the lowest at site 2 (14.89%). The average mortality rate was 8.23% and the average recruitment was 3.66 ind. per square meter. The average of Margalef (d), Shannon-Wiener (H′), and Pielou (J) indexes of scleractinia corals were, 5.32, 2.71 and 0.81, respectively. The average health index of E-gong bay, Dalu bay, Xichong-Dongchong and Yangmeikeng bay was 89.38, indicating a healthy state, and Meisha-Xichong, Daao bay and Maowei bay sea area were 70.00, 70.50 and 73.00, respectively, indicating a sub-healthy state. This survey segguests five countmeasures, such as planning and layout, formulate corresponding protection and restoration plans, setting up monitoring sites, strengthening research and establishing restoration demonstration areas and linking the public and society to popularize science. The study can provide references for scleractinia coral community ecosystem protection, management, restoration, reconstruction and sustainable development.
Key words:  marine ecology  scleractinia coral  distribution characterization  diversity  health assessment  Shen zhen

