摘要: |
本研究以2012—2016年5 a间的可见光红外成像辐射仪(VIIRS)海表面温度(SST)产品为研究对象,利用Argo浮标为主要验证数据、MODIS Terra和MODIS Aqua SST为辅助验证数据,从时间尺度和空间尺度进行检验对比分析,结果表明:VIIRS SST与Argo浮标白天的平均偏差为-0.015 5℃,标准偏差为0.514 0℃;夜间平均偏差是-0.221 4℃,标准偏差是0.418 9℃,白天平均偏差较夜间更接近Argo浮标的观测结果;VIIRS SST在白天和夜间偏差均是夏季大于冬季;白天VIIRS SST在近赤道太平洋海域、近赤道印度洋海域要高于浮标观测的海温,夜间这些地区总体要低于浮标值,白天和夜间标准偏差空间分布差异较小;与MODIS Terra和MODIS Aqua SST月平均偏差对比显示,夏季在南半球VIIRS较MODIS Terra SST偏暖强度减弱,冬季VIIRS较MODIS Terra SST在北半球中高纬度海域偏冷;夏季部分海域VIIRS SST较MODIS Aqua偏低,冬季则是大部分海域VIIRS 低于MODIS Aqua SST。 |
关键词: 海洋水文学 VIIRS SST Argo浮标 MODIS |
DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.2095-4972.2019.02.002 |
基金项目:自然资源部东印度洋IND-YGST04区块海洋环境参数遥感调查Ⅱ期资助项目(GASI-02-IND-YGST2-04);国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFA0600102) |
Accuracy analysis of VIIRS sea surface temperature products from 2012 to 2016 |
LIU Yi-ge,SUN Wei-fu,MENG Jun-min,ZHANG Jie,KE Chang-qing |
(College of Fisheries, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China; Laboratory of Marine Isotopic Technology and Environmental Risk Assessment, Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China) |
Abstract: |
This study takes the VIIRS sea surface temperature (SST) products from 2012 to 2016 as the object. The data from Argo buoys was taken as main verification and from MODIS Terra and MODIS Aqua as auxiliary verification while the time scale and space scale was used as controls. Results show that VIIRS SSThas a mean bias of -0.015 5℃ and standard deviation of 0.514 0°C during daytime and has a mean bias of -0.221 4℃ and standard deviation of 0.418 9℃ during nighttime. Mean bias of VIIRS SSTat daytime is closer to the Argo buoy observations than that at nighttime. VIIRS SSThas seasonal variation both at daytime and nighttime and its mean bias in summer is greater than that in winter. During daytime, VIIRS SSTis higher in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and near the equatorial Indian Ocean than Argo buoys. At nighttime, it is generally lower than that of buoys, and there is little difference in the spatial distribution of standard deviations during daytime and nighttime. Compared with monthly mean deviation of MODIS Terra and MODIS Aqua SSTproducts, VIIRS SSTin summer is lower than MODIS Terra SSTin the southern hemisphere while in winter it is also lower than MODIS Terra SSTin the midhigh latitudes of the northern hemisphere. VIIRS SSTis lower than MODIS Aqua SSTin some areas of summer and in most areas of winter. |
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