摘要: |
采用形态解剖学和石蜡组织切片方法,对黑鱾(Girella leonina)卵巢发育周期中各个时期卵母细胞的形态及组织学特征进行了研究.在此期间共采集到雌性黑鱾样本165尾,按照各个时相形态特征和卵巢周年变化情况,黑鱾卵子发生分为6个时相,卵巢发育分为6个时期.周年观察发现,8~10月大部分鱼卵巢处于Ⅱ期;9月至翌年3月进入Ⅲ期,从1月份开始,卵母细胞内出现卵黄颗粒;翌年3~4月黑鱾卵巢进入Ⅳ期,并在4月发育至V期并开始排卵,排卵后一直到当年7月,卵巢退化吸收进入Ⅵ期,随后又回复至Ⅱ期.黑鱾在3周龄达到性成熟,性腺指数低,V期卵巢时平均为2.61%,每尾雌鱼绝对怀卵量仅有5×104~10×104粒,相对怀卵量为4026粒/克(体重).黑鱾属于分批产卵类型鱼类,一年一次性成熟. |
关键词: 海洋生物学 黑鱾 卵巢 组织学 怀卵量 产卵类型 |
DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.2095-4972.2018.02.013 |
基金项目:浙江省公益技术应用研究资助项目(2017C32015) |
Histological study on the ovary development of Girella leonine |
ZHU Liang-hua,SUN Min,ZHANG Ding-yuan,YANG Jia-zhe,XU Shan-liang |
(Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology Ministry of Education,Ningbo 315211,China;Marine and Fishery Bureau of Linhai, Taizhou 317000, China) |
Abstract: |
The study on ovarian histology is the basis for the artificial breeding of fish. Therefore, the morphological characteristics of oocytes in the ovary development cycle and in different period of ovarian development and the spawning pattern of Girella leonina were studied with paraffin section. Thus, 165 Girella leonine were obtained in the experiment, the development of oocytes was divided into six phases and the development of the ovaries can be divided into 6 periods. The annual observation found that from August to October the ovaries were in stage Ⅱ while the ovaries entered into stage Ⅲ from September to next March. The egg yolk granules appeared in the oocytes since January and ovaries were in stage Ⅳ occurred in the next March and April. The ovaries went into stage V and started to spwan in April, after ovulation. Ovaries degenerated into stage Ⅵ in July of the next year, and then ovaries developed into stage Ⅱ. Girella leonine got sexual maturity in three years, its gonadal index was low with an average of 261% in the V period of ovarian development. The absolute fecundity of Girella leonine was only 50 000 to 100 000 tablets per tail and the relative fecundity was 4 026 tablets per gram of body weight. Studies have shown that Girella leonine belongs to the fishes that spawn in batch and matured once a year. |
Key words: marine biology Girella leonina ovary histology fecundity spawning type |