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(国家海洋局第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005)
利用1995~2013年间NCEP风场资料,分析研究了台湾西南部海域风应力旋度偶极子的季节和年际变化特征,及其受ENSO事件的影响,结果表明:台湾西南部海域风应力旋度偶极子的分布存在明显季节变化,其分布期主要集中于每年10月至次年4月,夏季台湾海峡不存在风应力旋度偶极子的分布;风应力旋度偶极子的强度异常要滞后ENSO 1个月,当厄尔尼诺事件发生时,风应力旋度偶极子的分布强度较正常年份要弱,而当拉尼娜事件发生时,风应力旋度偶极子的分布强度较正常年份要强;风应力旋度偶极子的分布还存在准160个月和准45.3个月的显著年际变化周期,其变化同ENSO循环密切相关.
关键词:  物理海洋学  风应力旋度偶极子  季节和年际变化  ENSO  台湾海峡
基金项目:中科院战略性先导科技专项资助项目(XDA1102030104); 全球变化与海气相互作用专项资助项目(GASI-03-01-01-03)
Seasonal and inter annual variation of the dipole wind stress curl pattern in the southwest seas of Taiwan Island
SUN Hao-wei,PAN Ai-jun
(Third Institute of Oceanography,SOA,Xiamen 361005, China)
Based on the NCEP wind filed data of 1995~2013, the seasonal and interannual variation of the dipole wind stress curl pattern in the southwest seas of Taiwan Island and its effects by ENSO events were analyzed. It is found that the variation of dipole wind stress curl pattern in the southwest seas of Taiwan Island is notably seasonal, which mainly occurs from October to April. However, there is no dipole wind stress curl pattern in summer. The dipole wind stress curl pattern lags 1 month behind ENSO. The dipole wind stress curl pattern in the El Nino year is much weaker than that in the normal year. However, when La Nina occurs, the dipole wind stress curl pattern is much more intense. There is a quasi16.0month and aquasi45.3month cycle in the variation of the dipole wind stress curl pattern, which is closely related to the ENSO circulation.
Key words:  physical oceanography  dipole wind stress curl  seasonal and inter annual variation  ENSO  Taiwan Strait

