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(自然资源部第三海洋研究所海洋与海岸地质研究室,福建 厦门 361005;自然资源部海洋生态保护修复重点实验室,福建 厦门 361005;福建省海洋生态保护与修复重点实验室,福建 厦门 361005;南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(珠海),广东 珠海 519090)
为解决海岸蚀退、滩面下蚀、岸线固化、亲水空间有限等问题,厦门实施了我国内地首个大型海滩修复工程——观音山海滩修复工程,开启了我国生态文明建设“厦门实践”中海滩生态保护修复之先河。通过对厦门海滩生态保护修复工程实践的系统梳理和全面分析,研究了厦门海滩生态修复实践的主要技术应用及其推广,探讨了厦门海滩生态保护修复效益和发展趋势。厦门自2007年始陆续开展了系统而全面的海滩生态保护修复工程,累积修复海滩长度超过16 km,取得了明显的防灾减灾、社会经济和生态环境效益。厦门海滩生态保护修复工程实践积累了大量成功经验和修复技术,在我国沿海地区获得了广泛应用,为我国海滩养护技术体系构建与标准化以及科学化管理水平提升奠定了良好基础,为我国海滩生态保护修复工作树立了典范,是我国生态文明建设“厦门实践”的重要组成部分。
关键词:  海洋地质学  海滩修复  海岸侵蚀  技术应用  效益分析  厦门实践
Reviews and prospects of beach ecological protection and nourishments in Xiamen
ZHAO Shaohua,QI Hongshuai,CAI Feng,LEI Gang,LIU Jianhui,LIU Gen,CAO Chao,CAO Huimei,ZHENG Jixiang
(Laboratory of Ocean and Coast Geology, Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China;Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Xiamen 361005, China;Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai 519090, China)
With aims to solve the problems of coastal erosion, beach retreat, shoreline solidification, and limited hydrophilic space, a project of Guanyinshan Beach Nourishment has been conducted in Xiamen, China. It is the first beach nourishment in China thus it is a precedent for beach ecological protection and restoration of Xiamen Practice in the China’s Ecological Civilization Construction. Through a systematic review and compilations of Xiamen’s beach nourishment practice, the main technical applications promoting the nourishment have been discussed in addition to the social, economic and ecological benefits of the nourishment and development. Systematic and comprehensive beach nourishments with a total coastline of more than 16 km were conducted since 2007, which have achieved the effects of obvious disaster prevention & mitigation, socio-economic and ecological benefits. Beach nourishments in Xiamen have achieved many successful cases being used extensively in the restoration of Chinese coastal areas. Such successful practices have provided a significant basis for China’s beach restoration, nourishment technology and standardization, improving the scientific management level of Chinese beach ecological protection and restoration. Beach nourishments in Xiamen have been proved to be highly successful and distinctive and it becomes an important part of Xiamen Practice in the national Ecological Civilization Construction.
Key words:  marine geology  beach nourishment  coastal erosion  technology application  benefit analysis  Xiamen Practice

