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(自然资源部第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005;中国极地研究中心,上海 200136)
厦门湾位于东亚—澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞路线上,是许多候鸟的重要栖息地之一,了解该区域鸟类的数量和分布对野生鸟类保护工作具有重要的意义。根据2023年采用样线法对厦门湾的25个观测点每月至少开展1次的鸟类多样性调查工作,本研究共记录水鸟7目15科93种,占我国水鸟物种总数的31.4%。记录的93种水鸟中,有16种被列入《国家重点保护野生动物名录》。调查记录水鸟的居留型以冬候鸟为主,冬候鸟、夏候鸟、旅鸟、留鸟、迷鸟分别记录了54、9、16、12、2种。每个季节开展了3次常规调查,春季、夏季、秋季、冬季记录的水鸟物种数分别为79、45、61、65种,记录水鸟的数量分别为28 714、4 701、12 001、55 784只次,表明厦门湾具有冬季和春季水鸟数量较多、夏季水鸟数量较少、秋季水鸟数量介于夏季和春季之间的季节性变化规律。在空间分布上,七星礁、马銮湾、下后滨和张埭桥等地点是厦门湾重要的水鸟栖息地。通过分析文献资料和公开的鸟类数据库,统计出了厦门湾水鸟共计9目23科174种。本研究结果可为厦门湾野生鸟类的保护和管理提供重要的科学依据。
关键词:  海洋生物学  鸟类多样性  水鸟  样线法  分布  季节变化  厦门湾
Waterbird diversity and its spatial and temporal distribution patterns in Xiamen Bay
WU Fuxing,ZHOU Bing,ZHAO Xiangyu,DAI Yufei,JIN Nan,CHEN Peng
(Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China;Polar Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200136, China)
Xiamen Bay, located in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, is a crucial habitat for numerous migratory bird species. Understanding the abundance and distribution of birds in this region is vital for the conservation of wild bird populations. In this study, bird diversity surveys in 2023 were conducted in Xiamen Bay, Fujian Province, where surveys, at least one survey per month, were performed at 25 sites using the line transect method. In 2023, a total of 93 waterbirds belonging to 15 families in 7 orders were recorded , with 16 species being listed as State Key Protected Wild Animals. These 93 species accounts for 31.4% of the total waterbirds in China. Regarding residency types, the majority of recorded species were winter visitors. Specifically, the numbers of winter visitors, summer visitors, passing migrants, residents and vagrants were 54, 9, 16, 12 and 2 species, respectively. The routine surveys, conducted three times per season, recorded waterbird species of 79 in spring, 45 in summer, 61 in autumn and 65 in winter, with individual counts of 28 714, 4 701, 12 001 and 55 784, respectively. The data revealed that seasonal abundances of waterbird populations were higher in spring and winter, deceased in summer and fell between winter and summer in autumn. Notably, Qixing Reef, Maluan Bay, Xiahoubin and Zhangdai Bridge of Xiamen Bay were founded as the most important habitats of the waterbirds. Additionally, this study created a comprehensive checklist of waterbirds in Xiamen Bay based on literature and public databases. A total of 174 waterbirds species, belonging to 23 families of 9 orders were documented. The findings of this study provide essential data for the conservation and management of wild bird populations in Xiamen Bay.
Key words:  marine biology  bird diversity  waterbird  line transect method  distribution  seasonal variation  Xiamen Bay

