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(福建省海洋生态保护与修复重点实验室,福建 厦门 361005;自然资源部第三海洋研究所,福建 厦门 361005;北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院,北京 100083)
为定量评估多元环境因子对红树林分布的影响,探索区域红树林生境适宜性和修复潜力的空间分布格局,本研究应用最大熵模型评估厦门湾红树林生境适宜性,叠加土地利用/覆被数据分析红树林修复潜力。结果表明,在生物气候、地形、水质、沉积物、水文等5组环境变量中,影响厦门湾研究区内红树林分布的主要环境变量类型为温度、地形和水质。在单项环境因子中,离岸线距离、营养盐浓度、盐度等对厦门湾红树林生境适宜性的贡献度最大。适宜性和修复潜力较高的区域主要分布于九龙江河口、翔安下潭尾、海沧东屿等区域。与现存红树林的分布相对照,理论上还有约406.4 hm2的高修复潜力区和1 001.2 hm2的中修复潜力区可考虑用于未来红树林修复。现有的保护区和修复工程已基本覆盖了上述大部分区域,未来厦门湾内的红树林修复选址可考虑泉州市安海湾沿岸、龙海市九龙江河口、漳州港沿岸和附近岛屿。本研究尝试采用新兴模型方法判断红树林的综合适生条件,并实现空间化、定量化的评估,其结果可为红树林修复选址提供重要的科学依据,并为区域红树林保护与修复管理提供决策支持。
关键词:  海洋环境科学  红树林  MaxEnt模型  生态修复  适宜生境
Assessment of the habitat suitability and restoration potential of mangroves in Xiamen Bay, China
ZHANG Dian,WANG Yu-yu,YU Wei-wei,MA Zhi-yuan,CHAO Bi-xiao,CHEN Guang-cheng,CHEN Bin,HU Wen-jia
(Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Xiamen 361005, China;Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Xiamen 361005, China;School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
In order to quantitatively explore the impacts of multiple environmental factors on the mangrove distribution, and predict the regional spatial pattern of mangrove habitat suitability and restoration potential, the maximum entropy model was applied to assess the habitat suitability of mangroves in Xiamen Bay, overlaying with the land use and land cover data to analyze the restoration potential. The results showed that among the five environmental variable groups of bioclimate, topography, water quality, substrate type, and hydrology, the main factors that affected the distribution of mangroves in Xiamen Bay were temperature, topography and water quality. Among the single environmental factors, the distance from shoreline, the nutrient concentration and the salinity were the decisive factors. The areas with higher suitability and restoration potential are mainly located in Jiulong River Estuary, Xiatanwei, Xiang′an, and Dongyu, Haicang. Apart from the existing mangrove areas, we predicted 406.4 hm2 with high restoration potential and 1 001.2 hm2 with medium restoration potential in Xiamen Bay. Existing protected areas and restoration projects have covered the most of these areas. In the future, areas along the coast of Anhai Bay, Jiulong River Estuary, Zhangzhou Port and islands nearby may be considered for mangrove restoration. This study attempted to adopt the modelling method to determine the comprehensive suitable conditions of mangroves, and to achieve spatial and quantitative assessment. The results can provide important scientific basis for the site selection of mangrove restoration and decision support for the regional protection and restoration management of mangroves.
Key words:  marine environmental science  mangrove  MaxEnt model  ecological restoration  suitable habitat

