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(中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038)
应用非结构化网格形式的MIKE 21水动力模型及溢油模块建立福宁湾海域海工工程施工期溢油扩散的数学模型,对在静风、全年主导风及不利风等3种不同风况条件下,一个潮周期内包括涨憩、落急、落憩、涨急等4个典型潮时分别发生100 t燃料油持续泄露30 min的事故溢油工况进行溢油扩散数值模拟.分析显示,事故溢油在福宁湾海域的扩散过程主要受潮流和风的影响.计算结果给出了事故溢油发生后24 h内的影响范围及0.05 mg/dm3油浓度(一类或二类水质标准)溢油最快到达福宁湾内主要敏感目标的时间,为海洋环境影响评价和溢油事故应急措施的制定提供了科学依据.
关键词:  海洋水文学  溢油扩散  数值模拟  海洋环境影响  MIKE 21  福宁湾
Numerical modelling on the impact of oil spill in Funing Bay
ZHANG Hai-wen,ZHAO Yi-jun,JI Ping
(China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China)
A numerical model for oil spill in Funing Bay in a marine project construction is established with MIKE 21 Hydrodynamic model and oil spill module in an unstructured grid. Numerical simulations of oil spill in the scenarios of 100 tons fuel oil accidently spilled for 30 minutes starting at 4 typical moments, i.e. flood slack, maximum ebb, ebb slack and maximum flood, are carried out under 3 different wind conditions including the calm wind, the annual dominant wind and the adverse wind. The analyses indicate that the oil spill drift in the sea is mainly affected by the tide and wind conditions, moreover the tide plays a dominant role. The simulated results indicated the area impacted by spilled oil within 24 hours and the shortest time for the spilled oil in concentration of 0.05mg/dm3,which is classified as the first and the secondary grade of national seawater quality, reaching the sensitive objects. The predicted results can provide technical support for marine environmental impact assessment and the decision-making of emergency measures for oil spill accident.
Key words:  marine hydrology  oil spill  numerical modelling  marine environmental impact  MIKE 21  Funing Bay

