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王蒙蒙,李国庆,刘逸洁,杨 慧,周 越
(鲁东大学资源与环境工程学院,山东 烟台 264025)
基于1995、2005、2015年3期遥感影像,在ENVI和ArcGIS软件的支持下,对山东半岛东部近20a 来的养殖水面面积及质心变化情况进行了分析,研究结果表明:(1)1995~2015年,养殖水面面积总体呈现增长趋势,共增加425.06 km2.其中养殖池面积在1995~2015年增加了83.41 km2,增加的面积主要集中在丁字河口、郝庆口、五垒岛湾、太平湾.在2005~2015年近10a 间养殖池面积呈现明显减少趋势,共减少40.43 km2,主要集中在五垒岛湾、太平湾.浮筏养殖和网箱养殖在近20a 来面积以增加为主,共增加了382.08 km2,主要集中在套子湾-芝罘湾-金山湾-郝庆口沿海海域,以及乳山口-五垒岛湾-靖海湾等海域.(2)养殖池面积先增加后减少的主要原因是:海鲜市场的大量需求导致1995~2005年养殖池面积迅速增加,由于环境保护以及旅游经济的需要,导致2005~2015年养殖池面积下降;浮筏养殖和网箱养殖面积的持续增加主要受海鲜市场需求及政府政策激励的结果.(3)近20a 间,养殖池质心变化不大,共向西南方向偏移9.03km;浮筏养殖和网箱养殖质心变化较大,共向西南方向偏移了15.24 km,由原来的荣成市偏移到了文登市,浮筏养殖和网箱养殖质心的偏移主要受乳山口、五垒岛湾、靖海湾海域的浮筏养殖和网箱养殖的养殖力度加大的影响.
关键词:  海洋遥感学  山东半岛  养殖水面  质心变化  动态监测
Dynamic changes of mariculture areas in eastern Shandong Peninsula in recent 20 years
WANG Meng-meng,LI Guo-qing,LIU Yi-jie,YANG Hui,ZHOU Yue
(School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)
With Software Packages ENVI and ArcGIS, the changes of mariculture areas and the position of culture centroid were analyzed in eastern Shandong Peninsula in recent 20 years based on remote sense images from 1995 to 2015. The results show that: (1) from 1995 to 2015, there is an increasing trend in mariculture areas with total area of 425.06 km 2, among which holothurian aquaculture increased by 83.41 km2 in areas of Dingzi estuary, Haoqing estuary, WuLeidao bay and Taiping bay. Besides, there is a reduced trend in aquaculture areas in recent 10 years with area of 40.43 km2. The areas of raft cultivation and net-cage culture located in Taozi bay-Zhifu bay-Jins-han bay-Haoqing estuary, and Rusankou-WuLei Bay-JingHai Bay increased by 382.08 km2 in about 20 years. (2) The reasons for the variations of mariculture areas are the great demand for the seafood resulted in a rapid increase from 1995 to 2005 and the request for the area decrease due to environmental protection and tourism economy development. Besides, the constant increasing of the raft cultivation and net-cage culture are mostly affected by the seafood-market's requirement and the policy incentives. (3) As to the moving of the centroid for aquaculture ponds, there was only little southeastward shift of 9.03 km. On the contrary, there are noticeable centroid changes for the raft cultivation and net-cage culture which shifted 15.24 km to the southeast from Rongcheng to Wendeng. The shift is due to the increasing mariculture demands in Rushankou, Wuleidaobay, and Jinghai bay.
Key words:  marine remote  Shandong Peninsula  mariculture  changing centroid  dynamic monitoring

